Dự án dễ:
Dự án yêu cầu tìm chính xác các cụm từ theo định dạng sau trên Google:
"call for speakers keyword conferences 2013"
"call for speakers keyword conference 2013"
"call for speakers keyword conferences 2014"
"call for speakers keyword conference 2014"
"speakers submission keyword conferences 2013"
"speakers submission keyword conference 2013"
"speakers submission keyword conferences 2014"
"speakers submission keyword conference 2014"
"keyword conferences 2013"
"keyword conference 2013"
"keyword conferences 2014"
"keyword conference 2014"
và for each found conference submit letter (sẽ được cung cấp) via their Speaker Submission Forms to 500 US based conferences.
Ví dụ: "call for speakers innovation conferences 2013"
Tiếp theo, với thông tin tìm được sẽ lần lượt nhập vào các cột được tạo trong file Excel như sau:
Conference name - URL to their contact page or speaker submission page - Status: "submitted via form or "not submitted" (if there is no submission form and instead the site lists contact emails - Speaker's booking person's firts name if listed - Speaker's booking person's last name name if listed - Title of the contact person if listed - Speaker's booking person's email address if listed - Speaker's booking person's phone # (or generic phone if not listed) - Keywords and google page from which this conference was found (Format is like this" "call for speakers leadership conferences 2013", page 4
Tổng số dòng trong file Excel là 1000 dòng và 500 actual form submissions. Form submissions are usually confirmed by an automatic email-confirmation that we will receive from each organization. Number of rows are only calculated for actual submissions and events with complete contact information.
Về Greeting:
- Không nên nói "Good day", mà nên nói "Good morning" or "Good afternoon".
- Cũng không nên sử dụng prefix "Ms", "Mr".
- Cũng không bao gồm last name in the greeting. Không nên nói "Good morning, Ms.John Smith". Instead greet with "Good morning, John". (only first name is used if we know for sure who we are talking to, otherwise use generic greeting).
Về Subject line of the message
Đối với dòng tiêu đề của all summission forms sử dụng: Suggesting great speakers for your upcoming events
Where to submit:
- Không post trên forums hoặc trên non-event sites. Carefully look what the form is for - must be a contatct form for speakers calls on the event site, not a third party sites with announcements.
Form submissions:
- Please submit forms as you visit web sites, not after the whole data mining is completed. The reason is - some submissions are time sensetive, so I want to make sure we are acting on speakers call right away.
Contact information:
Cần contact info not for a speaker (so, don't try to find it), but for a booking manager, event manager, a person that is responsible for event and for hiring speakers. Nếu không tìm thấy sau đó get info of some of their executives, including email address. If not, then gather general contact information from their contact page. But with every line we should have phone and email. If can't find, then form must be submitted on their contact page. If you cannot find contact details for a specific person, try to go to their team members or board of directors page and see if you can get an email from there for a person who has a senior title for events, membership or a chair, and then use their name and contact details instead.
File chứa thông tin cần thiết để Submit Form
Giá: Khoảng $30 đến $35 (chưa tính chi phí Invoice)
Kỹ năng: Google Search & Microsoft Excel
Một vài chú ý:
- Nên tìm đầy đủ từ trên xuống theo công cụ Google đã liệt kê.
- Nên cập nhật thông tin trên file Excel hằng ngày. Nên sử dụng Google Docs.
- Thời gian hoàn thành trên dưới 1 tuần.