
Kiếm tiền online Dự án Update danh sách Seton Hall University

Dự án dễ:

Nhiệm vụ của dự án yêu cầu cập nhật danh sách theo FALL course tại Selton Hall University.
Các yêu cầu cụ thể được đưa ra như sau:
Cập nhật theo cột course in Fall - có nghĩa là ngày đầu tiên của lớp học sẽ bắt đầu vào bất cứ các tháng nào của 3 tháng sau: August - September hoặc October.
- Thu thập các khóa học với số lượng tối thiểu 50 lớp/đăng ki cho single section hoặc multiple sections.
- Đối với các lớp có nhiều bài giảng ở nhiều section, thì lấy tổng số lượng ở tất cả các section đó. Ví dụ: John Smith teaches one section of 50 students of CHEM 101 and Susan Summer teaches one section of 200 of CHEM 101, both should be listed as 250 for fall capacity (fall column). Total capacity should be at least 50. Include all instructors with qualified capacity, as discussed.
- For multiple sections under the same professor, get the total capacity and it should be at least 50 students in total across all sections. For example: Chris Devine teaches 4 sections of the same course 'CHEM 202' and they have 30 in each section, then indicate 120 in fall capacity/column.
- Xác định -1 theo các kịch bản sau:(Applicable if professor has existing course in the list)
+ For professors not teaching on the required semester (fall 2013).
+ For professors teaching unqualified capacity (less 50 total capacity in fall 2013 semester class schedule).
Important: Be careful in indicating -1, once we found at least 1 error on this, we will ask you for a rework.
- For leads with Pearson Codes (222 or 333 precedes actual capacity) indicate the actual capacity for the 2013 schedule, or -1 if not teaching or not qualified. All instructors with 222 or 333 code(whether codes only or with 222 in 6 digit format), add Pearson user under Dept Column to precede Dept. Example under Department: [Pearson User – Chemistry] ---This means all capacity under Fall should be actual capacity.
- Indicate the course code and number in the DEPT Column, example under Department: Chemistry CHEM101 (Applies to all leads with actual capacity).
- For school assignments that you can hardly get qualified capacity, inform your manager.
- Undergraduate ONLY
- Lecture Classes ONLY (NO: Laboratory, Seminar, Practicum, Field Study, Independent Study, Internship, Directed Study, Capstone, etc).
- Face to Face/Classroom Setting/In Person (NO: Online, Hybrid-Partially on line, Off Campus, etc).
- Chairs/Head of departments where you found leads must be included. If not available, you may include Deans of the division/school and Course Coordinator.
- Cells changed must be highlighted.

Kindly indicate the following in the email:
Total # of new names:
Total # of updates:
Class schedule link:
Academic/Department directory:
Main directory:
** Don’t forget to indicate name of the school in the subject every time you send assignment.

Giá: 4c(USA) per update & 15c(USA) per new.
Kỹ năng: Google Search & Microsoft Excel.
Thời gian: Công việc dài hạn.
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